3.6meter Large Steel Balls For Santa Fe Opera Theater
At the beginning of the project. the client want to deliver an entire ∅12ft large steel balls. due the circumstances of delivery by regular container (20′ and 40′) doesn’t works. The only option is delivered by flat rack. to consider the project budget. finally the client decided to cut the sphere to ¼ parts delivery by 40′ regular container.
There’re two ribs welding at each edge ¼sphere.This inner structure for supporting and connecting each parts for an entire sphere. the ribs is made of AISI304 stainless flat steel bar bended with thickness 5mm(6GA) and 75mm(3″) width. at the meantime. drilled the hole which for fixed the structure by bolt on the steel ribs.
For loading procedure. The client provide the full instruction for loading the 40′ container.